let’s work together


Reclaim your relationships

With your imagination, your community, your work and yourself

Perhaps you are feeling under-resourced, relationally
stretched, stuck, disappointed, disillusioned.


Maybe you are reassessing what is meaningful to you as you navigate the complexities of these times.

Many of my clients are sitting with the tension of what it means to pursue a satisfying life for themselves without bypassing the realities of this polycrisis we are living through.

Most people I work with individually have had wounding experiences of wellness and personal development spaces and are beginning to reclaim their relationships with their imaginations and their values.

I believe that you and I deserve to have very pleasurable, dignified, satisfying lives… and so does everybody else. 

If you too find yourself longing for collective flourishing, we could be a great fit to work together.

My 1:1 coaching work is organic and entirely responsive to the client’s evolving needs and preferences.

We can work together in quarterly blocks, or in standalone sessions.

I use a combination of parts work, pure coaching, behavioural science, thought partnership, and a diverse array of recommended resources from the ecology of my own sense making. My approach is always flavoured by Intersectional Feminism.

You can find out more about what it’s like to work with me by reading a case study from my client Sally.

1-1 coaching

Quarterly Partnerships

I like to work with clients in quarters to create space for exploration and experimentation, and to offer some containment. Some clients renew for another quarter, others are content with one. 

The practicalities of working together for a quarter usually look like this…

  • A 30 minute chat to do a fit check - are your goals, values and needs a match for my training, experience and scope? I learn more about you and answer any of your questions.

  • I send you a questionnaire that serves to get us both oriented in the work we are about to do.

  • We have a long session to begin - typically 4-5 hours with some breaks away from screen for meals & movement.

    I work in this way because of the transcontextual nature of all our ‘stuff’ - one thing leads to another, and it’s useful to have time to relax into this interconnectivity in our lives.

    For clients with a business, this is likely to include some time strategising around this.

  • You receive a detailed write up of our time together within a few days, including my reflections, recommendations and resources I think you’ll find supportive.

  • The part clients really love: Whatsapp me for coaching or brainstorming or a sense of being witnessed at any time (response times in our agreement).

    We'll also have fortnightly 60 minute coaching calls.

  • If this is your final quarter, a consolidation session to acknowledge your progress and bring intention to how you move forwards from here, or renew for your next long session together.


one off sessions

Meet The Moment Sessions

These are standalone sessions, suitable for clients who:

  • Wish to gain some insights into what’s keeping them feeling stuck somehow

  • Want to come up with a plan in response to a particular difficulty

  • Would like to deepen their awareness around a protective pattern in their behaviour

Ahead of our meeting, you’ll receive an exploratory questionnaire to lay sound foundations for our work together and to support the depth of the conversation. 

During these sessions, you’re invited to make use of any of my skills or experience that meet your needs. A blend of developmental coaching, thought partnership and mentoring is common. 

Book this session if you don’t need ongoing coaching support but you like the way I think, you value my experience and you want my brain with yours on whatever is coming up right now in your life/work/activism.

Afterwards, I’ll send you a comprehensive write up, including my reflections, recommendations and any relevant resources.


These sessions are £150 at the Standard Rate and £75 at the Solidarity Rate.

Spaces at the Solidarity Rate are shared via my weekly emails when they become available. 


Group work on The Portal

You'll find all my group work offerings on The Portal Collective, a growing world tended by Sally Burns.

The Portal Collective is re-imagining the ways we commune and learn online, embracing lush ecologies that are undermined in our current systems.

Composting opens on a quarterly basis. Join us to embrace complexity, care and collaborative sense making.

Keri’s groups are resourcing, inspiring, hopeful spaces in which I feel deeply accompanied while navigating growth and change.
— Composting participant


Got a question?

  • I sometimes hesitate to use the term development because it’s become so tied to milestones and “bettering”. My approach to coaching reflects an original meaning of develop “to unfold” (like the inverse of envelop).

    I’d also characterise my style as relational - I believe that you may have increased access to a stable and coherent sense of self because of the psychological safety and unconditional positive regard you experience in our working relationship, whether 1:1 or in a group setting.

    (This also convinces me that coaching can support us in navigating the polycrisis. Listen to me talk to Peta O'Brien-Day on The Soapbox Podcast about this topic).

  • Errrrrrrm yes and no! For me, mainstream mindset coaching is generally incompatible with intersectional perspectives - there’s a lack of space for systemic issues and other important contexts that shape our responses throughout our lives.

    I also believe it to be underpinned by an acceptance that ‘this is just the way the world is’ and that our objectives as individuals ought to be to play this game and win.

    People who choose to work with me tend to have different ideas about what successful, satisfying lives look and feel like. 

  • My approach emerges from my evolving relationship with each client.

    I draw on Parts Work, Developmental Theory, Pure Coaching (and also hold the limitations of these ideas alongside their potential benefits).

    Much of my work involves deep listening, and care- full reflections offered back to the client for their consideration. If it’s a fit for the client, I may well switch to mentoring mode, and it would be unusual for me not to mention systemic factors in a session.

  • Coaching requires that the client can access a foundational degree of psychological safety for meaningful exploration to take place.

    If you’re under significant levels of stress or are experiencing mental illness, this might not be available to you at this time and therapy might be a more suitable choice. Please feel welcome to drop me an email to check in around this.

  • Every client is different - their needs, preferences and desires, as well as their access to all kinds of resources.

    My intention is that you experience a sense of integration, a loving acceptance of more of yourself, and therefore access to behaviours that are compatible with what you want for your life and this world.

  • All my 1:1 Packages can be booked with non-punitive payment plans. I don’t believe in penalising people who have less access to resources for paying me as agreed over a period of time.

    I’m always open to hearing about what works for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll let you know if our needs are compatible at this time.